Back in September our Republican Senators did the right thing by the American people and stood firm and united to oppose one of the most insidiously evil bills ever put before congess called the “Bi-Partisan Dream Act”. They were quickly accused of choosing to engage in “partisan politics over national interest”. I find this interesting! Let’s just take a look at the definition of these words that get bantered about these days in our Nation’s capital when Republicans don't play nice!
According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary the definition of Partisan is as follows; A firm adherent to a party, faction or cause especially one exhibiting blind, prejudiced and unreasoning allegiance.
Now let’s look at the definition of Bi-Partisan; of, relating to members of two parties specifically marked by or involving cooperation, agreement and compromise between two major political parties.
I don’t know about you but I find the use, or is it really the misuse of this word and what it means to be one of the most abused and ridiculous premises in Washington! The Republican party has sold us out in the name of going along to get along and weakened the party as well as eroded our country as a whole. In my opinion the RINO’s we have put in office have been a large part of our countrys problems lately! Why they cross that isle to waste their votes could be for a couple reasons, none of them showing that they deserve the right to hold this office. For some it may have been weakness and they succombed to the mantra and pressures but for others I believe they had their own agenda and used this principal to vote against their consituents wishes.
My own Senator here in Arizona, John McCain is getting a gift from God being able to run again for his office after his famous and very aggregious acts of crossing the isle on such inflammatory issues such as amnesty and border security that to this day have yet to be resolved. He was once very proud of his bi-partisan record! Maybe now he is finally getting the idea that he needs to turn away from the word bi-partisan and stand on the principals of the Republican party that has put him in his position of service because sir, the Tea Party cometh and with it comes the wrath of the people who are tired of being silenced by a spirit of cooperation!
Fellow True Republicans, Conservatives, I say to you keep standing up for our principals and do not let words keep you from doing what you KNOW is right. We need to protect our country and defend our constitution. We need to unite as a party and hold fast to our values and if those who are trying to dismantle our freedoms accuse us of being divisive and working against them because of "partisanship" I am good with it because frankly my dear I don’t give a damn!!
AMEN Suzanne! Go get them!
ReplyDeleteAnther great job my friend.
ReplyDeleteWOW! Great job Suzanne, I really loved it. I think you might have been reading my mind.We have serious problems here in Ca. and our future looks pretty dim, but you give me hope and I will continue to do all I can to see that we are winners in November. It's to important and we must do everything we can to make sure America remain the greatest country on Earth. You my friend have my greatest respect and I look forward to many more or your blogs.
ReplyDeleteOne of your biggest fans, Jeff